Friday, May 22, 2015


Just thought I'd mention, that I have an EyeEm account too. I use it to post imgs of flowers and nature stuff. Pictures not posted here are most likely posted there. Just so you know. Just click ->here<- if you want to check it out. Thank you, and have a nice weekend.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Summer holiday blues.

Summer holiday. I should be happy relaxing. Instead I'm feeling down and stupid because I don't have a summer job. I'm trying to ignore it. I really need some time to just to nothing right now. I made it through the first half of this education without skipping school even once. Which is a first for me. Never been good at staying in school. But it got me so so tired. Especially these last two weeks out at the garden center. *sigh*

I can wait another semester before I can get a job and start paying for my self again. But can the people that I'm relying/living of do the same?

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Random Picture Day, Sluggish.

So many things going on. And I'm catching a cold.
What a bad timing. *sigh*

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

So so tired.

My back feels like it's been working overtime and hasn't had a break in a month. At least. And it's only my third day working there. I admit, there's a lot of standing and bending and carrying. I though school was getting me in a better shape work wise. But apparently not. But then again. I guess it's not that weird that I'm not used to working daily when I haven't had a job for so long.

I'm still enjoying this tho. The one thing that does worry me right now besides fighting those spiders again, is not having enough things to do during the day. I don't want to find my self just standing there with nothing to do. Time goes so much slower then and it ends up being less entertaining. Not that work should be entertaining. It's work, but still. Isn't it better if it's also enjoyable ?

Anyway. Only two more days and then it's weekend. And I get an extra long weekend too. Because I'm going to be working next weekend, I get monday and tuesday of. You don't want to be working more than five days in a row. And after that weekend I'm thinking of maybe going away for a few days. Got some stuff to take care of. Also got two birthdays coming up. We'll see.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Half the way there.

First semester of school is done now. It's been very interesting, and at times confusing and annoying. But mostly, I've loved it. It's interesting and fun. I am almost a bit sad to see that this will end at the end of this year. But who knows. Maybe I'll get a job when I'm done. If not, There's always more gardening courses here to do. More stuff to learn.

Now I did say school is over for the semester. But I still have one thing left before I have my summer holiday. ( That is if I don't end up working.) And that is two weeks of learning how shit is done out in a real plant store. It's this week and the next, so I've already started. So far it's been awesome. I was a bit worried at first. But I think everything should go pretty ok.

I did however hurt my back a few weeks ago. It's still not up to par yet. I was a bit worried that that might be a hindrance during these two weeks. But since yesterday it is feeling much better than it has for weeks. So with a little bit of luck that will work out too. That's it for this update. I'm tired and a bit sore, and I need some rest. Wish me luck with the learning.