Friday, December 23, 2011

Contemplating issues.

It's very hard to try to change a bad habit if every time you try, you get reminded by someone of what you're doing. For me at least, it makes me feel self conscious and slightly annoyed. These past 2 weeks tho I've noticed a change.

Both in mind and habit. It's hard to put my finger on exactly what the thought is but I'm guessing it's something good because I've started to hum and semi-sing even tho there are ppl around me. Something I hardly ever do otherwise. I feel a tiny bit more grownup now. It's about time too.

That list I was supposed to make is still being written, in my mind. Every now and then I start to worry about something on "the list" and then I have to stop my self. Saying things like "can you do anything about this right now ? No. Then ignore it.". It does help, most of the time.

My biggest worry right now, is if Mr Awesome will wait for me or grow tired of me. I do hope he'll wait. I have some things to take care of before we can even start anything serious. But I'd like to try if he still likes me. I'm not gonna let a small thing like language and location be a problem.

This will be interesting idd.

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