Monday, April 2, 2012

Just around the corner.

Easter is, that is. And Just for the fun of it I've got special curtains up for the occasion. Normally I don't change curtains much. Once they're up I mostly let them be. I do change for x-mas but not much else. And oh yes you find this information so valuable and informative don't ya. Wohoptedoo.

Anyways. I'm counting the days now, again. I'm of in a while to visit a friend again. Looking forward to it as usual. And I might even have a bigger journey coming up in June. It's not set in stone just yet tho so I'm cautious. It's been ages since my last trip *sigh* so it would be most awesome. Guess we'll see.

But first things first. Plants to seed and take care of, Easter to enjoy and a few B-days to celebrate. I've also got a present or two to finish and some self confidence too boost. I actually think the later one is the more important one of them all. I've got a site and awesome friends to help me with it.

Meanwhile here in the house, the cats are really enjoying the new couches we got from my mommy's in laws yesterday. So much that when mom came back from getting coffee in the kitchen ( a 3 min trip ) Bella had taken her couch and had no intention what so ever to give it up again. Ain't she adorable.

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