Tuesday, May 15, 2012

More Swiss daydreaming.

Can you tell I'm missing Mr Awesome and Swiss ? It's a little bit funny. It's like I'm missing it even more now that I know I'm going to travel there again. And I have to admit, I've been looking at tickets just to see how much it would cost to buy a later return ticket than the one I already have. But it's just wishful thinking.

I've been looking at my pictures from my other 4 visits. Wish I had more pictures of Mr Awesome, but the ones I have are sweet. Today I decided to try my luck with Photoshop again. Found a nice tutorial on YouTube on how to make images look older. And it was simple enough for me to understand. Lol.

The "frame" thingy is something I've found on one of my random "find stuff for Photoshop" Google runs. I'm not sure I used it "right", but I like how it looks anyway. I love this photo. Even before the tampering. It's totally awesome just as the person on it. And I'm gonna see him again. Wohoo. *Makes a little happy dance*

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