Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Vote.

It's soon time to go and vote here in Swe. So today I'm taking some time of my boredom to listen to a recent debate between the leaders of the current parties. This is as involved as I've ever been. Politics are and have always been very boring and uninteresting to me. Maybe I'm finally growing up because this year I feel that maybe I should try to make a little effort.

I have pretty much already decided where my vote will lay. But getting a little more info and impressions from the parties couldn't hurt. And to be honest, I want to see the racist party make even bigger fools of them selves. I personally believe that humans will not be happy by sorting our selves by skin color and country borders. And/or sexual preferences.

I hope that not too many people will vote for these kinds of parties. But most of all, I hope that as many people as possible will go out and vote. And if you're unsure what to vote for. You can always go to aftonbladet.se and take the test there to see which party you're most likely to agree with. You'll get a few options. It's better than nothing. Or just vote blank. It's ok too.

And just to point this out, again. I have never been very interested in politics. Like I said. But I do vote. I have only missed it once. Because I was out of the country at the time of the election. And stupid me forgot to vote before I left. Shit happens. But I have no reasons to forget it this time. Last but not least, please help us keep racism out of the government.

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