Thursday, March 29, 2012

Birdie business.

This week really didn't start well did it. But never mind that.

I took a pretty pic a few days ago. So today I thought I'd show it and spend a moment for one of our feathered friends. This is Molly, she's one of the pretty birds that my stepfather owns. She is a Blue Fronted Amazon, a quite fat one too because her "cellmate" apparently is a "feeder". As with most of the birds, she is very cute. But the only one she really likes and tolerates is my stepfather, and sometimes my mom.

They're pretty amazing birds and I can totally see why it's fun and interesting to have one. With the exception for all the naughty stuff they put up, they also have a lot of fun things going. Molly doesn't talk much, she does a lot of other cute sounds instead. But some of the other birds do. Hi, goodnight and cookie are often heard here. Most of them are very clever even if they do behave like a 3 year old on a tamper tantrum.

But people should remember that they are very long lived and can be anything from 40 to 80 years old. I think Molly her self can become around 60 years old or so. Most of the big birds my stepfather has are about 1/3 of that age and have come here from other homes that for some reason couldn't or wouldn't handle them anymore. But I'm sure they're happy living here in our little nuthouse. They really look peachy & perky. : )

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