Monday, February 20, 2012

Skin creature.

I am an emotionally driven creature. I know logic, I can handle logic. But when my emotions tells me something then I really want to do it. It gets a bit complicated while dealing with my total lack of self confidence and the fact that I don't feel / think that I'm worth anything. Sometimes I want to do something so badly, but can't.

I've clearly got some issues to deal with. And I am working on it.

*Sigh.* I'm really feeling my addiction now. Lacking the touch of skin and closeness. Caressing that sweet soft skin with my fingers and lips. A warm breath. So intoxicating. Just a lick or two, a little nibble and a bite. A subtle shiver and sigh. It's not about love. It's about feeling the contact. I love skin, taste and touch.

Of all the addictions there is, it's one of the prettier ones I'd say.

Time to relax and take a painkiller. I got one of those annoying colds a few days ago. Feels like it's going to be pretty short lived tho, thank god. But there's going to be some extra resting done for a few days. No worries. I've got anime to watch , imgs to draw and epic friends to chat with. Peachy peachy.

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